Please join your fellow retirees for our annual picnic on June 7th at Huguenot Park, Shelter #1 (10901 Robious Rd., Richmond). A catered BBQ lunch by Sibley's will be served at noon. Enjoy entertainment by our own Lee Gregory and the John Marshall Alumni Balladeers. The cost will be $5 for members, $10 for non-members. Payment can be made either online, at the May meeting, or mailed to:
Susan Thomson, 13509 Greyfield Dr., Chester, 23831 by May 27.
CLICK for the location map
Questions/Comments/Feedback: Please contact us at-
The Retirees Association for Retired PM USA and Altria Employees is an independent organization
that is not affiliated with or endorsed by PMUSA or Altria.
Call Federal Credit Union is a proud supporter of the Retirees Association for Retired PM USA and Altria Employees.
© 2023-24 Retirees Connection